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How to prepare for Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning for CAT

How to prepare for Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning for CAT

You must prepare for data interpretation logical reasoning for CAT because it contains about 16% weightage in the CAT examination. And in the Data Interpretation logical reasoning(DILR) section takes over 50 %weightage in the CAT exams. 

Many of the CAT candidates are not called out for the IIM admission even after scoring 99 percentile in the CAT examination. Because they have scored low marks in the Data 

Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning section or we can say that candidates score below the cutoff of IIM in the Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning section.

Many CAT candidates score a high percentage and this is the story of many CAT candidates. 

The candidate can solve very few questions of the data interpretation logical reasoning section. From the year 2015, the CAT pattern has been changing. Now there is a different section for Data interpretation logical reasoning which contains about 32 questions out of 100. And in total there are 3 sections in the paper. The changes have been done by the IIM Ahmedabad.

Knowing the paper

 The changes and the cutoff has been set up in the IIM Ahmedabad. Now after the revamping of the CAT paper the data interpretation is a separate section that includes logical reasoning. 

According to the CAT teachers and former achievers of the CAT paper, the CAT candidate needs to prepare for the Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning. It is important because the sectional cut-off announced by the IIM Ahmedabad fit shortlisting the candidates.

The Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning in the CAT paper constitutes about 50 % share which is a total of 32 questions and has 16 data interpretations based on both MCQs and non-MCQs forms.

Out of the 3 sections of the paper, the data interpretation section is the 2nd section of the IIM CAT paper now. The pattern of the Data interpretation is the same as it was earlier asked in the CAT paper before 2015.

The tips and tricks to attempt the CAT paper and especially for the Data Interpretation section have been shared by the CAT teachers and former year’s achiever. 

Due to the sectional cut off released by the IIM Ahmedabad, the Data Interpretation section is as important as the other sections of the CAT paper as applicable for the QUANT and VARC section.

Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning 

The composition of the Data Interpretation  Logical Reasoning section excepted for this year 2021 is the pattern are as follows.

So the pattern for the Data interpretation in CAT exam 2021 in the data interpretation logical reasoning section and the data interpretation composition 2021.

  • Section Name- Data interpretation logical reasoning 
  • Total number of questions – 32
  • Number of a problem for data interpretation for CAT-4
  • Types of data interpretation questions for CAT- questions are in the set of 4 based on the 4 DI problem.
  • Total question based on the DI for CAT- 16
  • Bifurcation of DI based question – 12 MCQ and 4 none MCQs.
  • Questions in DI based on time and distance – nil as the Di section is taken out of the QA section.
  • Total time to attempt data interpretation logical reasoning section is – 1 hour
  • Marks for each correct answer is awarded – +3
  • Marks for each negative attempt is awarded – (-1)
  • The difficulty level of DI section – moderate to high
  • Number of DI questions with non-marking- 4 none MCQs
  • Best CAT books for DI preparation – how to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT by Arun Sharma.
  • Logical reasoning and DI for the CAT by Nishant K Sinha.
  • Best tutorial for DI in CAT- CAT DI and LR by Gautum puri.

After knowing everything about the pattern of the paper. Now it is very important to know about the questions and answers idea about the Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning.

Also Read:

Questions Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning and their answers!

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These are some very frequently asked questions by the CAT candidates when they are preparing for the examination.

These queries are very important and need to get the proper information about the Data Interpretation section because it is difficult to part of the part and has the sectional cut off as well.

We have already answered many questions in the above pointers. But some more information about Data interpretation and logical reasoning.

The former year achievers, experts and CAT preparation teachers suggest that the DI section of the CAT paper tests your Analytical skills of interpreting the data given to you in the form of charts, tables, graphs, or in any other form.

For the preparation of the DI section of the CAT paper, the first and the most thing is required that you practice questions of DILR for the CAT paper with solutions.

And second, you may proceed with the tricks for the better direction of preparation of CAT.

To answer the biggest question: How to prepare for the data interpretation for CAT?

Structure of Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning 

The candidate needs to know about the structure and content of the Data interpretation section for the CAT paper.

As the CAT paper has been revamped from 2015, from the IIM Ahmedabad some many twists and turns the number of questions has been increased in the data interpretation section.

You should know the type of expected questions in 2021. And the questions of the Data interpretation section with the changes of the CAT papers before moving ahead with your CAT preparation and making the decision on how to study or not is important to know about it.

Data interpretation Logical Reasoning for CAT, No of questions and Types of Questions

  • Problem set 1 contains tables and chart- no of questions(4)

Types of questions – comparison of Data of various year’s, ages etc.

  • Problem set 2 contains graphs and bar diagram – no of questions(4)

            Data analytics, comparison of various 

            Classes, groups, year’s, etc.

  • Problem set 3 contains Tables and Pie charts- no of question(4)
  • Decoding and finding out the data of missing periods and taking the clues for interpreting the missing links.
  • Problem set 4 contains graphs and charts- no of questions(4)

Analyzing data and conclusions making future projections.

Changes in the CAT exam

Earlier before 2015, data interpretation used to be part of the quantitative ability where there used to be 10- 12  questions out of 50 questions based on 3-4 questions based on DI out 30 questions. 

But over the last 5 years, there are substantial changes has been seen in the DI section of the CAT paper.

But the scenario has been changed by the IIM Ahmedabad now there is a separate section for the data interpretation and it has logical reasoning questions also with a sectional cut off. Now the DI in CAT has 16 questions out of 32 in data interpretation logical reasoning. 

Earlier CAT candidates used to leave this section of DI from the paper because of the less weightage and the people were getting admission in the IIM before 2013.

But now with the changes taking place in the DI section the difficulty level of the questions, types of questions and the increase in the question has become important for the candidate to prepare for DI with the tips and tricks the approach for the data interpretation questions and answers have changed a lot over the years.

How to prepare for Data Interpretation Logical Reasoning for CAT

The other 2 sections are formula-based preparation; the other sections include Quant and Verbal. The preparation strategy must be different for the DI section. The most important tips and points for the Data interpretation preparation for CAT 2021 and how to prepare for data interpretation for CAT are listed below:

  • Prepare yourself according to the latest syllabus and questions of data interpretation of CAT.
  • Prepare yourself from the best when say best means the best book available for the CAT examination.
  • Read and practice as many questions as data interpretation questions and answers.
  • One of the big key for the success in the data interpretation section that how you see the problem based on the data comparison and data analysis if you are correct with your instinct of the analysis you will hit the entire set of questions correct but if you lose your pace then everything will go wrong and you will lose the whole set of 4 marks.
  • Always try to solve the difficult data interpretation question, don’t let yourself down on the DI because the more you solve the DI it will give you more confidence beforehand of the examination. So practice more DI. It will provide you with the methodology and will develop the habit of solving the DI and vision whether you can solve it or not when it will appear in the examination.
  • Anyhow, you have arranged the best coaching materials for the data interpretation and updated yourself for the CAT exam according to it.
  • Do read the preparation strategy of the former year toppers that will help a lot in the preparation of data interpretation.
  • And very important for any exam to be successful is that you take a Mock test of the Data interpretation and honestly analyze yourself.

Let us take some advice from the toppers of the previous CAT exams. Many CAT toppers score 99 percentile in the exam, some extraordinary scores even 100 percentile. They found that the data interpretation was the tougher part of the exam.

When they were preparing for the exam some said that it was their weak area. But after constant practices, preparation and being consistent they have improved a lot and we’re able to get the success.


Here is a pro tip: many articles or people will overrate the difficulty level of the data interpretation section but my opinion is that always start with that section which you find comfortable and easy and read and follow instructions word by word, try hit and trial methods, eliminating the cases and following the gut. And lastly, I would say keep calm, practice a lot and this practice will do wonders one day.

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