Before coming in the topic we would first know what exactly hemoglobin refers to –
Hemoglobin :
In human body hemoglobin refers to a protein which is present in our red blood cells or we say them (RBC’s) which helps to transfer the oxygen to each and every part of the human organ and again transports carbon dioxide back to the lungs of the human body.
Functions of hemoglobin :
It plays a very vital role in a human –
- Hemoglobin helps in giving red color to the blood cell
- It helps as to transfer oxygen to every part of organ
- It transports carbon dioxide to the lungs.
- It is very helpful in maintaining shape of the blood cells.
Structure of hemoglobin :
It consists of pair of 2 totally different protein which is stated as a and ß where, a is stated as alpha and ß is stated as beta.
How to cure a human if he has low hemoglobin ?
If a person is suffering from low amount ir low range of hemoglobin then he/she should first concert to their doctor. And the diet they should follow is they should totally avoid intake of tea or coffee as it provides heat inside and one should also avoid intake of dairy products like- milk, cheese, curd, paneer, ghee and they should about food like- pasta, oats , chapatti or we can simply say the food which is being prepared from wheat.
As above we have got a good knowledge about hemoglobin we have studied about what is hemoglobin what are its functions and structures and how should we cure the person if he is suffering from low hemoglobin or what diet should be given to them.
So now we will study about how to increase hemoglobin in a week. Here it is :
No one should increase hemoglobin in such a order that it would give a verse effect on human. One should increase it slowly and steadily . A human should take a healthy diet which includes those items which increase blood level in humans because our hemoglobin level goes down due to lack or blood cells in our body
So one should intake green vegetable as much as they can because it is rich in iron and iron increases the blood cells the green vegetable like- spinach, and Vitamin C is also a good source of citric so it helps to build blood very fast. Here meat is a rich source in increasing blood cells and if a human intake liver then it is sure that or she will cure very fast . One should intake calcium as much as they can in form of milk, yogurt, paneer, cheese and many more dairy products and if some wants to cure themselves very fast in a week then they should take beetroot all 3 times because is the only one which increases level of blood cells faster than other . It is not that other do not increase red blood they increases by beetroot is highly rich in increasing red blood cells. Whereas dry fruits are also a rich source in increasing the red blood cells. Pumpkin seeds are also applicable here as it increases red blood cells in a human what you have to do is just take out the seeds from pumpkin wash it from running water and then dry it in sunlight and then consume it raw by taking out its outer cover. Dry fruits and chocolates are also a very rich source in
increasing blood cells.
Above we have studied well that hemoglobin helps to increase red blood cells in a human body and it a very important tissue which should be at proper range in ones body so the pictures above will clearly define how to increase hemoglobin or in simple words red blood cells in a week.
F&Q :-
Q.1 What is hemoglobin?
Q.2 What are the functions of hemoglobin?
Q.3 What is the structure of hemoglobin?
Q.4 How to cure a person if he has low hemoglobin?
Q.5 How to increase red blood cells in a week?
Q.6 Which fruits and vegetables helps to increase the red blood cells?
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