It is a common misconception that people stop growing taller once they attain the age of 21 years or even when they reach their 20s- be it early 20s or late 20s. There is however, no scientifically proven study or backing to this “myth” regarding growing taller in their 20s and hence, many people have seen growth in their height during this age or stage of life.
A person easily gain height in their teens as those are the years when one really has hormonal changes inside their body and are usually called the “milestone determining years” in common world.
Whether you are shorter by a few inches or a foot, there are chances that you can still achieve that height “goal” that you had set for yourself, but now even after turning 21, what if we tell you that you can still grow and cover-up for those few inches’ gap by following these simple tips and methods of growing taller- naturally!
In this article, we will try and answer your question- “How to increase height after 21 years of age” and help you gain confidence and pass you a few simple ways that are completely harmless and are all natural for you to try and reach your goal for height.
In other articles or searches made by you over the internet, many a times you are faced by the options of having pills and medicines and varied supplements which are readily available in the market and can cut-short the journey for gaining height.
However, these pills and supplements may cause severe side effects and might actually carry harmful threats related to one’s health and body overall. Thus, the tips discussed below are your fool-proof and safe way to gain height without any harmful side effects and these can be implemented by you in your daily routine as well for a better lifestyle and overall growth.
- Eat Healthy and follow a better diet plan
As all things in life must have a strong foundation, growing taller also requires your body to be actually healthy and strong by eating a proper and balanced diet. However, it shall be more beneficial to eat foods that are rich in iron, zinc and calcium in order to show results with you growing taller.
Foods to include in your diet:
- Carrots
- Chicken
- Beans
- Lentils
- Eggs (yolks majorly)
- Apples
- Nuts (peanuts, almonds and walnuts)
- Liver (without the fat)
- Get sunlight
Sunlight is the best and one of the major sources for getting Vitamin D to your body which helps in bone strengthening and in turn, it contributes to a person’s height. Vitamin D is also readily available in supplements and pills but the greatest and a “free-of-cost” way is the Sun.
- Regular exercise and stretching
As common as this might come out to you, exercising on regular basis can turn out to be a great boon for people of all ages. This is recommended by doctors for people of all ages, however, the intensity and hours of investment into it differs from person to person and in general, from age groups.
Be it some sport that you may want to play or certain simple Yoga poses and exercises that you wish to do indoors, exercises can help and contribute immensely towards gaining height after you have turned 21 years old and above.
Exercises you can do-
- Forward Bend and stretches
- Jump rope
- Burpees
- Pull-ups and chin-ups (for beginners, bar hanging)
- Yoga
- Sports (Basketball or football or volleyball or even swimming, etc.)
- Proper sleep and rest
Getting enough sleep contributes to curing and helping your body recover immensely and since adding exercises to your daily routine might help you a great deal with gaining height after 21, sleeping contributes the same percentage and is a crucial step to follow since our body needs recovery time and it heals itself in sleep.
Proper sleep along with a proper diet can make you grow taller in a shorter period of time since the body is getting what it wants on a daily basis, i.e., proper food and nutrients and sufficient and deep rest and sleep.
- Maintain your body weight
Those who have been obese or are over- weight may face difficulties achieving their desired height goal as extra weight and body fat puts the spinal cord under great pressure and hence, one should always maintain a constant and controlled, as well as healthy body weight.
This can be maintained with as little effort as one can imagine and just following a healthy and nutrient-packed diet along with a proper sleeping schedule which allows your body to be well rested after a long day of work and exercising.
- Consume water
Consuming ample water during the day has a great deal of advantage and is also linked to a manifold of health benefits. In our case as well, consuming plenty of water can help keep the body fresh and hydrated and kicks out the toxins and waste generated by our body much easily.
For gaining a few inches of height over a shorter period of time, consumption of water contributes a great deal as it keeps your body light and fresh and also provides body with water to cool itself down after working out or even on a regular basis.
Thus, in this article we have seen all the natural ways and tips that can be beneficial for gaining height and we hope that you found the answer to your problem of – “How to gain height after 21 years of age”.
Stay healthy. Stay Safe.