The oxygen levels present in the blood inside our body are referred to as blood oxygen levels. The ABG test uses blood from the arteries, where oxygen and carbon dioxide levels can be measured before reaching the body tissues. Put the blood into an ABG (blood analyzer) device, which provides the oxygen content in the blood in the form of partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2).
I this article we are sharing many tips to Increase Oxygen Level. Blood oxygen levels can also be measured using a device called a pulse oximeter. The normal oxygen level in a pulse oximeter is usually between 95% and 100%. Blood oxygen levels below 90% are considered low (hypoxemia). It is usually diagnosed as hyperoxemia. Using the ABG test, it is defined as the oxygen level in the blood above 120 mmHg. This mainly occurs in hospitals, where patients are exposed to high-pressure auxiliary oxygen for a long time (more than 3 to 10 hours).
Increase Oxygen Level By 6 Easy Steps:
Increase Oxygen level By Exercise
To oxygenate your blood, you need to exercise regularly. During exercise, the body’s cells burn oxygen faster than normal. As the amount of carbon dioxide in the body increases, the brain increases the breathing rate to get more oxygen.
The increase in oxygen content in contracted skeletal muscle may be 100 times higher than at rest. However, the best exercise is to increase blood oxygen levels. These exercises increase energy, clean the lungs and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.
Antioxidants increase oxygen consumption during digestion, allowing the human body to use oxygen more effectively. When you want to increase your intake of antioxidants, there are some foods worth paying attention to blueberries, blueberries, beans, artichoke hearts, strawberries, plums, and blackberries, most of which can be eaten with various juices and smoothies.
Another important protein to consider is essential fatty acids. Acids like vitamin F increase the oxyhemoglobin content in the blood, which can be carried into the blood. These acids are found in soybeans, walnuts, and flaxseeds.

Increase Oxygen Level
Breathe through nose
Regular lung exercise is essential to maintain airway health. However, breathing is usually hindered by the way you breathe. Recently, it has been found that patients breathe their upper chest and breathe more air, which leads to a decrease in oxygen levels in the body. Instead, the correct way to breathe is to breathe slowly through the diaphragm through your nose instead of your mouth.
Grow indoor plants
Plants are the primary source of oxygen. Although there are many ways to increase the oxygen content by using tools such as oxygenators and air purifiers, there are many natural alternatives to improve air quality, which are good for the body and mind. Working with plants can reduce physical and psychological stress.
A review of a 2002 study found that compared with those who did not see plants during the recovery period, those who recovered through various surgical procedures required fewer painkillers and shorter hospital stays. Hence, plants help in recovering earlier.
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Drink a lot of water
About 60% of the human body is composed of water. Therefore, the importance of water to human body functions cannot be underestimated so that human cells can grow, lubricate our joints and regulate body temperature. Recombined or ionized water micro-groups with smaller water molecules provide a high level of hydration and oxygenation at the cellular level.
Please note that beverages containing caffeine, alcohol, and high-sodium foods can dehydrate the body. So keep water with you all day and develop the habit of drinking all day. Medical staff recommends drinking 8 ounces (8 ounces) of water a day.
Higher altitudes
Blood oxygen levels have also affected the place where we are at that moment. At high altitudes, such as mountainous areas, the oxygen in the atmosphere becomes extremely low. At higher altitudes, oxygen molecules are farther apart because of the lower pressure on them. This means that there are fewer oxygen molecules in the same volume of air we breathe. In scientific research, this is often referred to as “hypoxia.”
The air at higher altitudes is colder and denser. This means you have to breathe more to get the same amount of oxygen as at low altitudes. The higher the attitude, the more difficult breathing becomes.
The test that uses a pulse oximeter to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood is called pulse oximetry. The process is very simple; it only takes a few seconds to place the pulse oximeter between your fingers. The reading is shown on the pulse oximeter display.
The accuracy of this test may be less accurate than ABG, but it is easier to perform than ABG when it needs to be used quickly. When the SpO2 content drops below 80-85%, the brain will be harmed. When the SpO2 content is less than 65%, purple yan will occur. For pulse oximeters, they are usually between 95% and 100%. Note: If you have lung disease, the normal value may be different. Your doctor can tell you which values are normal for you.